
Mass of Thanksgiving 1The evening of the 21st December marked the beginning of the Christmas holidays for the seminarians.  During the fifteen-day holiday, the seminarians could be with their family, and offer their services at their parish of origin and at other parishes where they are following pastoral duties.

That same evening, Mgr Bishop Mario Grech paid a visit to the Seminary where he led a Mass of Thanksgiving to mark the end of the first term.  Parents of seminarians and members of Aћwa Ħbieb tas-Seminarju attended this Mass.  Mgr Bishop focused his homily on the first reading of the day, taken from the Book of the Prophet Zephaniah: “The King of Israel, the Lord, is in your midst, you have no further misfortune to fear” (Zep 3,15).  He reminded the congregation that we, who are close to God, are asked to spread this news to all the people around us.

Exhibition Incarnatione 3

After Mass, the exhibition Incarnatione was declared open.  On the occasion of the Year of Faith, the Diocesan Commission of Sacred Art, together with the Seminary of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, put up an exhibition of sacred art regarding the mystery of The Incarnation.  This exhibition was put up in the main hall of the Seminary.  Another exhibition regarding the mystery of The Resurrection will be put up for Easter.  The Rev. Rector, Fr Daniel Xerri, welcomed the guests and explained the aim behind this exhibition.  Fr Joseph Calleja, of the Diocesan Commission for Sacred Art, gave a critical appreciation of the exhibited works.  Mgr. Bishop inaugurated the exhibition and praised this initiative.  He augured a better evaluation of sacred art as this is a form of expression of our faith.


DSCF0924Il-Ħamis 13 ta’ Diċembru l-abbatini u l-membri tal-gruppi tal-vokazzjonijiet ġew mistiedna jiġu s-Seminarju għall-attività tal-Milied, li tiġi organizzata kull sena għalihom mis-seminaristi.  Din is-sena wkoll, grupp sabiħ ta’ tfal attendew għal din l-attività.

Fil-bidu saret laqgħa tal-okkażjoni fis-sala tas-Seminarju, immexxiha mis-Seminarista Joseph Attard.  Wara dawk preżenti ġew imqassma fi tliet gruppi: tal-primarja, tal-forms 1-2 u tal-forms 3 ’il fuq.  Is-seminaristi ħadu ħsieb jorganizzaw xi logħob għal kull grupp.

Fi tmiem l-attività Mons. Isqof żar lil kull grupp ta’ tfal u wrihom l-apprezzament tiegħu għas-servizz li b’mod assidwu huma jwettqu fil-knejjes parrokkjali u fil-kappelli li hawn imxerrda madwar Għawdex.  Awguralhom l-isbaħ xewqat għall-Milied u f’isem is-seminaristi ppreżentalhom ir-rigal tal-Milied.

Is-seminaristi ħejjew kalendarju biex jitqassam bħala rigal lil dawk preżenti.  It-tema ta’ dan il-kalendarju huma l-personaġġi bibliċi tat-Testment il-Qadim.  Għal kull xahar hemm tpinġija ta’ ġrajja mill-ħajja ta’ xi personaġġ bibliku.  Takkompanjaha hemm deskrizzjoni qasira tal-ħajja tal-istess personaġġ.





On Thursday 13th December, the altar boys and the members of the Vocation Groups were invited to the Seminary to attend a Christmas activity, organised annually by the seminarians.  As usual, a large number of children took part in this activity.

The activity started with a talk in the Seminary hall.  The talk was delivered by Seminarian Joseph Attard.  Then, the children were divided into three groups: students of Primary schools, students of Forms 1 & 2, and students from Form 3 onwards.  The seminarians organised games for every group.  At the end of the activity Mgr Bishop Grech met the members of each group.  He showed them his appreciation for the services that they give regularly in the parochial churches and the chapels spread around Gozo.  He exchanged his greetings for Christmas and offered gifts on behalf of the seminarians.

The seminarians compiled a calendar to be offered to the children present for this activity.  Biblical characters from the Old Testament are depicted in this calendar.  Every month features a picture regarding an episode from the life of one of these biblical figures.  The picture is accompanied by a short description of the life of the same biblical figure.


Ministry of the Acolyte (20)Daniel Sultana, Seminarista mill-parroċċa tat-Twelid ta’ Marija, ix-Xagħra, irċieva l-ministeru tal-akkolitat minn idejn l-Eċċellenza Tiegħu l-Arċisqof Tommaso Caputo, nhar il-Ħadd 9 ta’ Diċembru 2012, fil-Knisja Parrokkjali tax-Xagħra.  Mons. Tommaso Caputo ġie fostna Għawdex biex jagħmel Quddiesa ta’ Radd il-Ħajr ’l Alla fi tmiem il-missjoni diplomatika tiegħu f’Malta u fil-Libja bħala Nunzju Appostoliku tas-Santa Sede.  Hu beda din il-ħidma fl-2007.  Issa se jkun jaqdi l-ministeru tiegħu f’Napli, bħala Arċisqof tal-belt ta’ Pompei u Delegat Pontifiċju għas-Santwarju tal-Imqaddsa Verġni Marija tar-Rużarju ta’ Pompei.

Fil-prietka tiegħu Mons. Caputo radd ħajr ’l Alla tad-diversi mumenti li hu qasam mal-Knisja f’Għawdex.  Fost dawk li semma hemm il-mewt tas-saċerdot żagħżugħ, Fr Joshua Muscat (fl-2009) u l-mewt tal-Isqof Emeritu Mons. Nikol Ġ. Cauchi (fl-2010); il-mument ta’ ferħ meta l-Papa Benedittu XVI offra r-Rosa d’Oro lis-Santwarju Marjan tal-Madonna Ta’ Pinu (fl-okkażjoni tal-Viżta Appostolika fl-2010) u ż-żjara uffiċjali li Mons. Caputo għamel lis-Seminarju Maġġuri tal-Qalb ta’ Ġesù (fl-2012).

Ministry of the Acolyte (17)Fi tmiem il-prietka hu għamel aċċenn għall-ministeru li Daniel Sultana kellu jibda jwettaq hekk kif isir akkoltu.  Minn dakinhar ’l quddiem hu kellu jkun eqreb lejn l-artal billi jħejji dak meħtieġ għall-Ewkaristija u anke billi jqarben.  L-akkoltu jkun jinsab tarġa eqreb lejn il-presbiterat, fl-istess waqt għalhekk il-ministeru tal-akkolitat irid jgħin lis-seminarista fit-tħejjija tiegħu għall-ordinazzjoni li jkun se jirċievi.

Fi tmiem il-quddiesa Mons. Isqof Mario Grech offra tifkira lil Mons. Caputo, b’sens ta’ radd il-ħajr għal dak li wettaq mad-djoċesi ta’ Għawdex tul il-missjoni diplomatika tiegħu, u anke b’ringrazzjament għal dak li wettaq miegħu personalment fis-snin tal-bidu tal-ministeru episkopali tiegħu.


Ministry of the Acolyte (20)On Sunday 9th December 2012, the Parish Church of Xagħra celebrated the bestowal of the Ministry of the Acolyte on Daniel Sultana, a Seminarian hailing from the Parish of the Birth of Mary, in Xagħra.  Daniel Sultana was instituted in the acolytate by His Excellency Archbishop Tommaso Caputo.  Mgr Caputo visited Gozo to celebrate a Mass of Thanksgiving to God on the occasion of the termination of his diplomatic mission as Apostolic Nuncio of the Holy See to Malta and Libya.  He started his mission in 2007.  Now he will be serving as Archbishop in the city of Pompei in Naples and as Pontifical Delegate to the Sanctuary of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Rosary of Pompei.

In his homily, Mgr Caputo gave thanks to God for the various moments that he shared with the Church of Gozo.  Among these occasions, he mentioned the death of the young priest, Fr Joshua Muscat in 2009 and the death of the Bishop Emeritus Mgr Nicholas J. Cauchi in 2010.  He mentioned also the moments of joy when Pope Benedict XVI offered the Rosa d’Oro to the Marian Sanctuary of  Our Lady of Ta’ Pinu during the Apostolic Visit in 2010, and the official visit that Mgr Caputo himself paid to the Major Seminary of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in 2012.

Ministry of the Acolyte (17)

Before ending the homily, Mgr Caputo talked about the ministry that Daniel Sultana was about to follow as an acolyte.  From now on, his duties will keep him closer to the altar as he will make the necessary preparations for the Holy Eucharist and administer the Holy Eucharist.  The acolyte will be one step closer to priesthood, and so the ministry of the acolytate has to help the seminarian in his preparation for the priestly ordination he will be receiving in the future.

When the Mass was over, Mgr Bishop Mario Grech offered a memento to Mgr Caputo, as a sign of gratitude for his services to the Diocese of Gozo during his diplomatic mission, and also for the help Mgr Caputo offered to him personally in the early years of his episcopate.


Is-Sibt 8 ta’ Diċembru l-komunità tas-Seminarju ngħaqdet mal-Knisja fiċ-ċelebrazzjoni tas-Solennità tal-Kunċizzjoni.  Għall-komunità tagħna din hi festa speċjali għax il-Kappella tas-Seminarju hi ddedikata lil Ommna Marija tal-Kunċizzjoni.  Fl-okkażjoni ta’ din il-festa l-Grupp Liturġiku organizza diversi attivitajiet speċjali.

Il-Ġimgħa filgħaxija, is-seminaristi kellhom il-kant tal-Għasar fil-Katidral u wara saret l-adorazzjoni tal-ewwel Ġimgħa tax-xahar.  Din tmexxiet minn Fr Alex Refalo u tulha saret it-talba tal-Akathistos.  Din hi it-talba ta’ tifħir li l-Knisja tal-Ilvant tagħmel lil Marija Omm Alla.

Is-Sibt filgħodu kantajna t-Tifħir ta’ Sbiħ il-Jum.  Wara l-Lezzjoni Qasira d-Djaknu Gabriel Gauci għamel omelija tal-okkażjoni u tkellem fuq l-oriġini tad-domma tal-Kunċizzjoni.  Kompla l-ħsieb tiegħu billi spjega fil-qosor l-interpretazzjoni Kristoloġika u Ekkleżjoloġika li żewġ teoloġi kbar tas-Seklu Għoxrin (Karl Rahner u Hans Urs von Balthasar) taw lil din id-domma.

Is-seminaristi taw is-servizz tagħhom fil-Pontifikal il-Katidral u f’nofsinhar Mons. Isqof ingħaqad mal-komunità fis-Seminarju għat-Talba ta’ Nofs il-Jum.  Wara l-Lezzjoni Qasira hu għamel ħsieb tal-okkażjoni.  L-Isqof enfasizza fuq il-bżonn tad-djalogu bejna u bejn Alla.  Hu ndika l-fatt li l-Liturġija tal-Kelma tal-ġurnata ħarġet il-kuntrast li hemm bejn Adam: li kien nieqes minn djalogu m’Alla (tant li beża’ minnu); u bejn Marija: li ħajjitha, sa mit-tnissil immakulat tagħha, kienet djalogu kontinwu m’Alla.  Mons. Grech qal li jekk kull Nisrani hu mħeġġeġ li jiddjaloga m’Alla, dan jgħodd b’mod speċjali għalina s-seminaristi u s-saċerdoti.  Bħalma fl-istituzzjonijiet soċjali d-djalogu jsegwi ċerta struttura, id-djalogu tas-saċerdot m’Alla jrid ikun ukoll strutturat.  Hu spiċċa billi spejga liema hi l-istruttura ta’ dan id-djalogu: it-talb, l-istudju akkademiku u l-ubbidjenza għas-superjuri.  Dawn kollha jridu jwasslu lis-seminarista u lis-saċerdot biex jikkomunika m’Alla.

Il-festa ntemmet b’ikla tal-okkażjoni, li għaliha kienu mistiedna l-formators flimkien ma’ Mons. Isqof u s-seminaristi.


On Saturday, 8th December, the community of the Seminary joined the rest of the Church in the celebration of the Solemnity of The Holy Conception.  This is a special feast for our community since the Chapel at the Seminary is dedicated to Our Lady, Immaculate Conception.  On this occasion the Liturgical Group organised various special activities.

On Friday evening, the seminarians participated in the Vespers at the Cathedral.  That same evening, there were moments of adoration of the Holy Eucharist on the occasion of the first Friday of the month.  Fr Alex Refalo led the service during which the prayer of the Akathistos was said.  The Akathistos is a prayer of praise which the Church of the East says to Mary, Mother of God.

On Saturday morning, we sang the Lauds.  Following the Short Reading, Deacon Gabriel Gauci made a homily for the occasion.  He talked about the origin of the dogma of the Holy Conception.  He gave a short explanation of the Christological and Ecclesiological interpretation of this dogma by two great theologians of the Twentieth Century, Karl Rahner and Hans Urs von Balthasar.  The seminarians participated in the Pontifical Mass at the Cathedral.

At mid-day, Mgr Bishop Grech joined the community of the Seminary for the Midday Prayer.  After the Short Reading, he shared with us some thoughts related to the occasion.  The Bishop emphasised the importance of creating a dialogue between God and us.  He pointed out the fact that the Liturgy of the Word for that day stressed the contrast between Adam, who lacked communication with God (so much so that he was afraid of Him), and Mary, whose life, from its immaculate conception, was one continuous dialogue with God.

Mgr Grech said that every Christian is urged to participate in a dialogue with God.  This is true especially of us seminarians and priests.  As dialogue in social institutions follows a certain structure, so does dialogue of the priest with God.  The Bishop explained the structure of this dialogue: prayer, academic studies and obedience to one’s superiors.  This structure leads the seminarian and the priest to communication with God.

The formators, the Bishop together with the seminarians participated in a dinner held for the occasion.


Il-Ħadd 2 ta’ Diċembru l-Knisja tat bidu għas-sena liturġika tagħha permezz tal-ewwel Ħadd tal-Avvent.  Il-komunità tas-Seminarju ċċelebrat din l-okkażjoni s-Sibt 1 ta’ Diċembru f’nofsinhar, permezz tat-Tħabbira tal-Avvent.  Din hi ċelebrazzjoni li ssir ta’ kull sena u li tinkludi fiha t-talba ta’ nofs il-jum, qari ta’ lezzjoni mill-Iskrittura (bl-iskop li tħeġġeġ lill-komunità biex tħejji ruħha għall-miġja ta’ Kristu), u l-preżentazzjoni flimkien mat-tberik tal-ikona li se takkompanja lill-komunità tul din is-sena.  Wara li jsiru xi invokazzjonijiet ir-Rettur jindika xi tibdiliet fil-programm tal-komunità, li jkunu se jieħdu posthom tul dawn il-ġranet, biex ifakkruna li dan hu żmien speċjali.

Il-lezzjoni mxandra lilna kienet mill-Ittra lill-Efesin (5,8-20).  Ir-Rettur waqaf fuq il-vers:  “Qisu sewwa kif iġġibu ruħkom, mhux bħal nies bla dehen, iżda bħal nies għorrief, li jgħożżu ż-żmien”.  Hu wriena li l-bniedem ‘għaref’ hu dak li ‘jgħożż iż-żmien’:  fi kliem ieħor, il-bniedem li jagħraf jaħtaf kull okkażjoni u jagħmel minnha opportunità ta’ grazzja.

Eventwalment ġiet ippreżentata lilna u mbierka l-ikona, miktuba apposta għal din is-sena minn Loreta Grech, ispirata mis-silta:  “Jiena nemmen!  Għinni fil-fidi nieqsa tiegħi!”, meħuda minn Mk 9,24.  Il-kuntest sħiħ ta’ din is-silta jinsab f’Mk 9,14-29.  Hawn naraw in-nuqqas ta’ ħila tad-dixxipli għan-nuqqas ta’ fidi tagħhom, flimkien mal-għajnuna ta’ Ġesù lill-missier li jitlob il-fejqan ta’ ibnu maħkum minn spirtu ħażin (ara ukoll Mt 17,14-21 u Lq 9,37-42).



Sunday 2nd December was the first Sunday of Advent, when the Church initiates its liturgical year.  The community of the Seminary celebrated this occasion at mid-day of Saturday 1st December, through the Advent Proclamation.  This is an annual celebration which includes the Midday Prayer, reading from the Scriptures, (its main aim being that of urging the community to prepare itself for the coming of Christ), and the presentation and blessing of the icon that will accompany the community during the coming year.  Following a number of invocations, the Rector announces the changes in the programme of the community.  These changes, which will be effected during the days of Advent, remind us that these days are special.


The reading was taken from the Epistle to the Ephesians (5,8-20).  The Rector meditated on the lines:  “Keep careful watch over your conduct.  Do not act like fools, but like thoughtful men.   Make the most of the present opportunity.”  The Rector showed us that a person who is ‘thoughtful’ makes the most of the present opportunity; he takes every opportunity and makes of it an opportunity of grace.

Then the icon was presented to us and blessed.  The icon, written for this year by Loreta Grech, is inspired by the reading:  “I do believe!  Help my lack of trust!”, taken from Mk 9,24.  The whole context is in Mk 9,14-29.  The reading shows the weakness of the disciples as a result of their lack of faith, together with the help of Jesus to the father who begs Him to heal his son, possessed by a bad spirit (cfr., Mt 17,14-21, Lk 9,37-42).



On Friday, 23rd November, the community of the Seminary joined in prayer the parochial community of Christ in the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist at Għasri.  Prayers of thanksgiving to God were said for the blessings that He bestowed on both communities during this week.  As has been said in previous newsfeeds, during Monday 19th and Thursday 22nd November, the seminarians paid a visit to the households of Għasri and shared their experience of faith with the families.  On every visit, two seminarians were accompanied by a student from the group of vocations within the parish.  At the same time, there were moments of adoration of the Holy Eucharist at the parish church and also the possibility of the faithful receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  On Thursday morning the seminarians paid a visit to Laura Vicuña School, at Għasri.  They toured the classrooms and delivered a message of faith to all pupils.  At noon of the same day, the formators of the Seminary joined the priests of the parish at prayer and later on, at lunch.

On Friday evening, the Reverend Rector Fr Daniel Xerri led a Mass of Thanksgiving.  He was accompanied by the formators and some priests from Għasri.  The Rector based his homily on the text from the Gospel:  “the entire populance was listening to Him and hanging on his words” (Lk 19,48).  He said that the experience of faith that we shared during these days shows clearly that modern man, too, wants to listen to the Word of Jesus.  This same Word demands of us a radical decision, as can be seen from the first reading:  “Here, take it, and eat it, and it will be sour in your stomach, but in your mouth it will taste as sweet as honey” (Rv 10,9).  When we choose to live according to the Word of God, this Word of God will help us in our formation, but at the same time, it will hurt us.  However, it is only when we choose to accept the Word of God that we can really bear fruit.

At the end of the Mass, the parish priest of Għasri, Fr Edward Xuereb, thanked God for the many blessings that He bestowed on the parish during this week.  He said that nobody can actually count these blessings, but he was sure that Christ used and will use this experience to bring many people closer to Him.  He thanked the community of the Seminary for having chosen the parish of Għasri for this experience.  Following Mass, the congregation was invited for refreshments at the Parish Centre.  The nuns and helpers of the Seminary took care of the preparations for this activity.


Il-Ġimgħa 23 ta’ Novembru l-komunità tas-Seminarju ngħaqdet flimkien mal-komunità parrokkjali ta’ Ġesù Kristu Ewkaristiku, fl-Għasri, biex trodd ħajr lil Alla għall-grazzji li għoġbu jxerred fuq dawn iż-żewġ komunitajiet tul din il-ġimgħa.  Kif issemma qabel, bejn it-Tnejn 19 u l-Ħamis 22 ta’ Novembru, is-seminaristi (tnejn tnejn flimkien ma’ student tal-grupp tal-vokazzjonijiet tal-parroċċa) daru bieb bieb il-familji tal-Għasri u qasmu flimkien magħhom l-esperjenza tagħhom tal-fidi.  Fil-waqt taż-żjajjar fil-familji, fil-knisja parrokkjali kien ikun hemm Ġesù espost u anke kien ikun hemm il-possibiltà tal-qrar.  Il-Ħamis filgħodu s-seminaristi żaru l-iskola Laura Vicuña, fl-Għasri, u daru l-klassijiet kollha u wasslu messaġġ fuq il-fidi lit-tfal tal-iskola.  Dakinhar ukoll, f’nofsinhar, il-formators tas-Seminarju ngħaqdu mas-saċerdoti li jservu fl-Għasri u wara li talbu, huma kielu flimkien.

Ir-Rettur Fr Daniel Xerri mexxa l-quddiesa ta’ radd il-ħajr ’l Alla nhar il-Ġimgħa filgħaxija.  Flimkien miegħu kkonċelebraw il-formators u xi saċerdoti mill-Għasri.  Ir-Rettur bena l-omelija tiegħu fuq l-Evanġelju:  “il-poplu kollu kien joqgħod imqabbad miegħu biex jisimgħu”.  Hu stqarr li l-esperjenza ta’ fidi li għexna flimkien hi xhieda li anke llum il-poplu jrid jisma’ l-Kelma ta’ Ġesù.  Din l-istess kelma hi kelma li titlob deċiżjoni radikali minna.  Ir-Rettur tkellem minn dan fid-dawl tal-ewwel qari:  “Ħa, u ibilgħu, u jsirlek imrar ġo fik, imma ġo ħalqek jiġik ħelu għasel”.  Meta nagħżlu li ngħixu l-Kelma ta’ Alla bis-serjetà din se tiffurmana, se twaġġagħna.  Però hu meta aħna nagħżlu li nilqgħu din il-Kelma li aħna nistgħu verament nagħmlu l-frott.

Fi tmiem il-quddiesa Fr Edward Xuereb, il-Kappillan tal-Għasri, radd ħajr lil Alla tal-ħafna grazzji li għoġbu jagħti lill-parroċċa permezz tal-esperjenza.  Hu stqarr li ħadd ma jista’ jkejjel il-frott kollu li ħareġ minnha, però hu żgur li l-Mulej uża u se juża din l-esperjenza biex iressaq ħafna nies lejh.  Hu rringrazzja wkoll lill-komunità tas-Seminarju talli għoġobha tagħżel il-parroċċa tal-Għasri għal din l-esperjenza.  Wara l-quddiesa dawk kollha preżenti kienu mistiedna biex jingħaqdu mal-komunità tas-Seminarju fiċ-Ċentru Parrokkjali għal party ċkejken, imħejji mis-sorijiet u l-helpers tas-Seminarju.


After various preparatory meetings, the Seminary Community took part in an experience of faith at the Parish of Christ the Eucharistic Saviour at Għasri, on Friday, 16th November.  A Holy Mass was celebrated in the evening by the Reverend Rector, together with the formators and the clergy of the parish of Għasri.  During Mass an invocation was offered to the Holy Spirit.  On Saturday morning the adolescents of the parish participated in a meeting with a vocational theme.  The meeting was directed by the Vocations Group of the Seminary and a good number of adolescents were present.  On Sunday the formators took part in the various Masses celebrated in the parish and they also led the adoration which takes place between the 8.30am and the 10.00am Masses, on every third Sunday of the month.  Then from Monday, 19th November, onwards the seminarians started their home visits, according to a pre-set programme.  While the seminarians were on home visits, the formators were leading the adoration in the parish church.
