
The launching of an Action Plan for the promotion of priestly vocations in the Diocese of Gozo

Action Plan for the promotion of priestly vocations in the Diocese of Gozo  (2)Monday 4th  November was the feast day of Bishop St Charles Borromeo, Protector of the Seminary.  It was also the 147th anniversary of the founding of the Major Seminary.  On this occasion, the priests hailing from the Diocese of Gozo were called to a meeting where an action plan for the promotion of priestly vocations in Gozo was launched.

Fr Michael Curmi, Vice-Rector and Diocesan Director of Vocations, introduced the meeting.  Then, Fr Daniel Xerri explained the action plan. It is the duty of every Christian, including parents, teachers, parish priests and priests, to pray for and give particular attention to priestly vocations.  Fr Xerri explained what is being done and what should be done in this respect in the parishes, especially among the altar boys and the vocations groups.  Then he talked about what is already being done in the diocese of Gozo and also about the initiatives to promote vocations.

When the meeting was over, there were moments of discussion and refreshments were served.

The document, in Maltese, can be seen by clicking on the pdf link below.

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