
An Activity for the Altar Boys and Vocations Groups

On Saturday morning, 15th December, the altar boys of our diocese were hosted at our Seminary for an activity which is held annually.  The activity was held in the Seminary hall. A letter, written in the name of Mary, Mother of Christ, was read to the altar boys.  The letter encouraged the altar boys to open their heart to welcome the birth of Baby Jesus.

The altar boys were then divided into three groups and were engaged in different games prepared by the seminarians. Later, the altar boys were invited to a drink.  At the end of the activity the seminarians distributed a Christmas present to the altar boys. The present, which the seminarians themselves had prepared for this occasion, was a booklet called L-Avventura tal-Abbati,  (The Adventure of the Altar Boy), which gives a step-by-step explanation of the Mass. and helps the altar boys understand better the service they give during Mass.  It also  pinpoints the sacred places in the church and the liturgical objects used during Mass, and gives a description of the liturgical garments.

Anyone who would like to have a copy of the booklet is kindly asked to contact the seminarians.

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